
Fierce Negotiating For Yourself

Nancy Fredericks Season 2 Episode 42

Do you feel you’re at a disadvantage when negotiating for yourself? Do you believe you’ve left money on the table? Learn to turn any potential minuses into advantages through real-life executive women’s experience and 12 Negotiation Quick Hit Tips.

ThriveWithNancy Podcast addresses the tricky points you run into daily as a woman executive. Nancy Fredericks shares all the secrets she’s acquired as an experienced thought-leader. She’s passionate about sharing practical, insider solutions with women executives to tap into on your way to achieving all of your career hopes and dreams.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, you fabulous executive woman. Do you feel as though you're at a disadvantage when negotiating for yourself, are you believing money or extras were left on the table and regretting it ready to turn potential minuses into advantages for yourself will listen in and become a fierce negotiator for yourself. Welcome to thrive with Nancy. This podcast is dedicated to you, an executive woman who wants more from your career, and you're fed up with twisting yourself into nots to realize it are you eager to acquire some fierce negotiating tips for yourself that will have your paycheck and influence expanding? Then let's get started. It's vital to me to bring in right at the very beginning that women are awesome negotiators. We have all the skills, all the mindsets and all the courage to negotiate. That is when it comes to others, where we start quivering a bit is when we are up at bat for ourselves, somehow women, most women have been taught, not to brag, to work hard, to be noticed and rewarded. And that discussions regarding money are distasteful. After all we believe asking for something diminishes the gifts don't we? No, no, no. It's time to stuff that garbage thinking into the landfill, never to be dredged up again. I know I'm a bit dramatic and that's how you have to approach negotiating for yourself. If you're hesitating even a bit, become fierce in your negotiation for yourself. So let's examine lessons through several women's stories that have them becoming fierce negotiators, whether after a promotion or with a new job offer. Oh, and you wanna stay tuned until the end. When I give you 12 quick negotiating tips that you won't wanna miss heck yes, always is your first negotiating lesson. I don't care whether it is a startup company or an organization going through trouble times. Or it's said to be that you're at the top of your range. There is always money. If they want you never under any circumstances, take the first offer. You are representing your leadership. Prowes as you negotiate, you don't wanna accept a bad deal. And you don't want to overnegotiate either. If you've researched the company through your network and you should you'll know where the line is, what's acceptable to you and the company. And when it's time to walk away, I don't know of any company that won't be questioning your up level opportunities as a leader of their future. When you don't negotiate for yourself as one Csuite executive client, Sharon said to me, I say right out loud, if you think I'm negotiating a bit fiercely, this is me being thorough. Know that I will negotiate just as comprehensively for your company. Such an attitude wins the day for her. Another client Lindsay was up for a big bump promotion and was in the throes of a negotiation. Her boss offered her a significant salary increase, but one that she considered a low ball offer compared to the job responsibility and salary range. That was the beginning of she and I partnering together. What did she do? Lindsay came up with three considerations that were significant to her. Then she went back to her boss, demonstrating respect for him after all, this is the beginning of a long term relationship. She revealed her excitement over the promotion though. Not so much. Her boss thought Lindsay would accept whatever the company proposes. And then she presented her considerations and she stuck to them. In Lindsay's case, she received the salary she was looking for from the company and other wins such as a developmental requirements for her future and staffing needs, et cetera. Second negotiation lesson don't be a man. Connie had done all the work perfectly and had positioned herself to receive a coveted promotion. Let me confess. This is a story I heard after the fact, and it hurts my heart. Connie tells how she joyously celebrated the offer just as any of us would. And yet she knew she was facing the dreaded salary negotiation as a capable, intelligent woman. She didn't go into the talks without seeking advice from those who had successfully negotiated significant salary increases men. I love executive men and I mean that sincerely who are interested in supporting women to attain their greatness. And yet they often don't understand that executive women, peers are viewed through the lens of our gender and what works for them. A man usually harms a woman, especially during salary negotiations. Yes. Learn from men. What's possible where that invisible leverage line is to move the negotiation forward and do it in your own feminine voice. Once you decide what you wanna do stand confidently on that foundation of your expertise, knowledge and contributions, bring clarity regarding your added value in specific areas you achieved for your current or previous organizations. Remember you are the, get it done ethical well respected woman executive they're offering the job to, or have chosen to promote. Connie took on the male energy language and approach, which had worked so successfully for her male peer. It was one that didn't land well for her. Yes. Damage was done by coming on. So strong. Fortunately for Connie, she is well known and well respected in a company. So the negotiation moved to her boss's boss. Yes. She received a noteworthy increase. Was it the top? We'll never know. She did learn the best and most valuable lesson in what I hope you hear as well of her career. Don't imitate a man. And she immediately went into building relationship bridges for future negotiations because she had damaged a few coming on way too strongly with my expectations. Anyway, Connie learned that ting, someone else's approach or attitude to the negotiation table, isn't a strong point in anyone's favor. And she'll never do that again. If you've assessed your negotiation skills, as one of your weaker attributes, here are the promised 12 negotiation, quick hits that will up your abilities and gain you more respect in your organization. Practice. That's the first one practice where it does very little harm. Try it out with your husband or your friends advocating eating dinner at that restaurant that no one wants to go to or watch a romcom movie instead of an action flick or negotiate a price down. When you see that there's damage to the merchandise, such rehearsals will boost your confidence and your skills regarding what works and what doesn't work for you two don't assume or mentally make decisions for the other person. As you often end up undermining your position without them ever saying a word three network with people in the know as Lindsay did and continue to do so for you to have clarity over salary ranges. And what's the norm in the company culture and so much more for program your mind for positive expectations. You may not get a hundred percent of what you're asking for and you will unquestionably gain more than if you start the negotiation with pessimistic thoughts. Five preparation is very different from worrying, generate a plan of action to determine your beginning and no go points. Then launch the exchange six. Although negotiating for yourself has a personal dynamic to it. Don't take it personally. It is a process. Seven women typically display more body language signals than do men. So restrain when possible your nonverbal communication savvy negotiators are looking for your body tells and will take advantage of them. Eight don't get caught up in any heat of the moment discussions, deep breath please. Or is it time for a bathroom break nine. Recall the lessons on receiver centric that we've discussed through previous podcasts. Craft your message with your audience in mind, 10, demonstrate your feminine leadership success qualities throughout the give and take conversations. 11 never beat a dead horse except gracefully and with enthusiasm. Even if you don't get a hundred percent of what you want, no one has respect for a poor loser, 12 and last, but certainly not least don't believe everything said to you. Research reveals that women are less likely to question lies and hear this negotiators count on that. When bargaining, you need to be fully yourself. That means owning who you intend to be through tonality. And the words you use, never forget that your company is promoting you because of your knowledge, your uniqueness, your approach to problem solving in all that is you wrapped up in one terrific bundle of exceptional executive woman. There's no question that women face hurdles in negotiation. That's not a reason to sit on your hands. If you do over the long haul, you'll end up being dissatisfied. Rarely has dissatisfaction ever led to a fulfilling career. Discovering what works for you in negotiation is a meaningful component for your future success. It is a high stakes game, as it is a determining factor in a healthy bank violence at retirement. What are you gonna take on that you heard in this podcast? I know it's hard to implement when your schedule is so busy. However, if you don't do something differently, you remain right where you are for way longer than necessary. I'm anticipating you found value in this podcast. I'd appreciate you hitting the like button or subscribe by now. You know, I'm committed to helping every executive woman find a fulfilling, satisfying stand in business for herself. And I can't do that alone. I need you spreading the word. So please pass this podcast around to everyone who would find value in the podcast. I am advocating negotiating fiercely for yourself. It isn't easy and it is an essential proficiency to acquire. I would be honored if you'd like to explore partnering relationship with me to develop and add more executive level skills to your bag of tricks. Check out the, your strategic edge coaching program. I offer with extras such as the monthly thrive at work mastermind program with other dynamic executive women for free with the coaching package, check it out at www thrive with If after exploring, you're interested in learning more, you could click the link on the page to schedule a free discovery call with me. I'd love to discover how together we could achieve all you see and hope is possible. Let's explore bringing all your giftedness and all your possibilities to life. I'd be delighted to support you. Remember no one ever makes it to the top or even arrives at their next career destination alone.